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Legal Information

1. Legal Information
incl. details pursuant to section 5 of the German Telemedia Act (TMG) and section 2 of the German Regulation on Service Information Requirements (DL-InfoV)

Name/Legal Form:
Legal Stratagency GmbH (Company with Limited Liability).

Registered Seat and Registration:
Registered seat in Flottwellstr. 28, 10785 Berlin, Germany
Local Court (Amtsgericht) of Berlin-Charlottenburg: HRB 132161
VAT identification number: DE276344896

Directors (Geschäftsführer):
Irina Kalinina, Alexander Khvoshchinskiy

phone: + 49 (0)30 92 03 62 04

Party responsible for contents § 55 Abs. 2 RStV
Alexander Khvoshchinskiy

2. Copyright
This website contains data and information which are protected by trademark and/or copyright in favour of Legal Stratagency GmbH (hereinafter - LS) or in individual cases also in favour of third parties. No content offered here may be quoted, copied or otherwise used beyond the limits of copy right law without the prior written permission of LS. Framing this website is expressly prohibited.

However, it is permitted to set a link to this website, provided that it serves solely as a cross-reference. LS reserves the right to revoke this permission.
3. Disclaimer
The information on this website is of a general nature and is intended to introduce LS to interested internet users. LS assumes liability for the content of its websites in accordance with legal provisions.

We believe all information provided on this website to be accurate, as we have made every attempt to ensure that the information contained in this site has been obtained and arranged with due care. However we decline all and any responsibility over its contents for any inaccuracies, errors or omissions contained in this information.

LS points out that the present content of the website does not constitute individual legal or other professional information or recommendation and is not suitable for replacing individual advice by competent persons taking into account the specific circumstances of the individual case. LS reserves the right to change or update the information, products or services offered on this website at any time without prior notice.

Furthermore any references and links to third-party websites do not mean that LS adopts the content behind the reference or link as its own. LS has no influence on the content behind the link and, therefore, LS is not liable for illegal, incorrect or incomplete content and for damage caused by the use of content behind the link.